Brining Grace into my Life


After my Total Right Hip Replacement (TRHR) three months ago, I learned just how harsh and mean I was to myself. My thoughts were so brutal. Yet, I can listen to someone doing the same thing and encourage them to be graceful and compassionate.  

As I laid in bed limited with my movement, I got back into my meditation. I began to tap into the essence of being present and the observer of my thoughts. I observed the thoughts and learned to hold space for them and then, smiled, and let them float by. 

What happens when the thoughts comes?

It is vital that you develop a new brain thought pathway that encourages you to show your body parts compassion. I did an acceptance meditation where I welcomed my new hip. I sent love to the glutes, the hamstrings, the lower back muscles, and my inner thigh muscles thanking them for making space for the new part. 

May I encourage you to identify the thoughts and then, ask what they are trying to tell you. Then, with compassion, ask it to float on by .

  • Meditate for 10 minutes in the morning
  • Meditate for 10 minutes in the evening
  • Go for a nature walk
  • Doodle or journal your thoughts


Get a hug

If you live alone, call a friend and have tea or coffee or a dance. Then ask for a hug. Research showed that touch is vital for one’s wellness. 

Or better yet, schedule a massage at least once a month. For me, I use my products (i.e., body lotion, body oils) and do a morning Qi Gong touch meditation where I ensure that my energy is balanced for the day. If you are interested in ordering lotions or oils, contact me via my contact page.  

Practice Slowing Your Thoughts 

I like to journal for 10 minutes about the thoughts that are trying to block my energetic flow. I strongly believe that ease allows me to create. So, when I notice that I am trying to control the situation, I start my breathing exercise and journal. The more I slow my breath, the more my heart and brain gets in coherence. 


Remember: Do not try to control the outcome. Surrender to the flow, observe, and ensure your mindset is clear. Focus unwaveringly on your intentions and with gratitude leave it in the vortex for creation.